Late Static Binding

Late static binding is one of the new features of PHP 5.3. It came out...

2 minute read

Conferences And Meetups

Many developers I know never attempt any tech event. I am lucky to live in...

3 minute read

Profiling a PHP Application

When developing web applications, we often run into performance issues. People often blame PHP or...

7 minute read

What I Love/Hate About PHP

I have been programming in PHP for 5 years now. I did not choose this...

5 minute read

Debugging PHP In Eclipse

Debugging a PHP application can be painful. When I have a bug in my code...

3 minute read

Driving Technical Change

Last week I read the book Driving Technical Change by Terrence Ryan. This is a...

3 minute read

Self Improvement Vs The Family

About a month ago, a very animated discussion took place on the Software Craftsmanship Google...

3 minute read

Invest A Day In Your Career

Wednesday, the date and the line up for Day Camp For Developers 2 (DC4D) was...

2 minute read

My Goals For 2011

Here are my goals for 2011. I am making them public to increase my motivation....

5 minute read

My First Blog Post

Welcome to my new blog. I intend on using this blog to write about various...

2 minute read